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Why is your tubeless sealant drying up fast when using anti pinch-flat tyre inserts? What can you do to prevent it? We dig into this topic here below. Most tyre insert users are aware that an higher quantity of sealant...
Which is the best (Effetto Mariposa) tyre sealant for you?
We recently introduced Végétalex, a quickly biodegradable, plant-based tyre sealant, containing finely ground olives stones as repairing ingredients. How does it compare with Caffélatex, our other sealant? Is one superior to the other, or are they simply targeted at different users? Let’s find out.
Végétalex Winner of Design & Innovation Award 2021
“The Effetto Mariposa Végétalex sealant eschews environmentally harmful substances and plastics without sacrificing on functionality i.e. sealing and durability. As the first sealant of its kind, it’s based completely on biodegradable cellulose fibres and ground olive kernels, which swim in a polysaccharide carrier fluid. In the eventuality of a puncture, no harmful chemicals are
Tubeless conversion: the whole truth!
Those who ride occasionally (less than once a week), do not cross lands infested with thorns or – simply – do not want to face the small problems and complications that tubeless involves, can continue using inner tubes and be happy like that.
Caffélatex, valves and inner tubes
Being a synthetic latex, Caffélatex is not as intrinsically “sticky” as natural latex sealants, showing a lower tendency to clog valves and valve mechanisms. Still, it’s important to learn how to use it properly to take full advantage of the puncture protection, reducing the drawbacks to the minimum.
Caffélatex and the "hair dryer" effect
Beside the use of CO2(described here) or contamination of your sealant with other products(described here), the “hair dryer” effect is a common but little-known reason for the decrease in a sealant lifespan. When does it happens?
The correct quantity of Caffélatex and Végétalex for each cyclist
Tyre sealants are a must-have for the performance-oriented cyclists, to avoid the feared and annoying punctures. The big question is: how much sealant do I need? Parameters that influence the necessary quantity of sealant: Several parameters should be taken into account, for example the outside humidity, temperature and tyre inflation routine/regularity. However, the main factors
A cocktail of sealants
Very often the early solidification of latex sealants is due to contamination by other liquids. We describe here below common and unexpected contaminations sources.

Why Caffélatex and Végétalex, rather than other sealants?
Caffélatex and Végétalex work perfectly with tubulars. Here is a detailed evaluation of the different aspects and options.

Some people worry about Caffélatex or Végétalex early solidification after inflating the tubeless tyre with a CO2 cartridge, as this is an unwanted side-effect common to most latex-based sealants. Plus, what about using Espresso inflate and repair cartridges with Caffélatex or Végétalex? We explore these topics here below.