The correct quantity of Caffélatex and Végétalex for each cyclist

What is the right quantity of Caffélatex or Végétalex sealant for Off-Road, Road, Gravel, cyclo-cross tyres? This question is more complex than it seems.


Cyclo-cross Tyre Size
(Tubeless or Tubular*) 

Caffélatex [ml]
Végétalex [ml]
ETRTO 622-
(700C – 28”) [mm]
40 48 33

 *Inside inner tube: same as chart
Tubeless-Ready: + 5 ml

Road/Gravel Tyre Size
(Tubeless or Tubular*) 

ETRTO 622-
(700C – 28”)
ETRTO 584-
(650B – 27,5”)
30 36 23 25
30 36 25 28
35 42 28 32
35 42 32 38
40 48 38 42
40 48 42 47
45 54 47 50
* Inside inner tube: same as chart
Tubeless-Ready: + 5 ml

Off-Road Tyre Size

[mm] (inch)
(650B – 27,5”)
[mm] (inch)
[mm] (inch)
45 54 47 (1,75) 50 (2,00) 54 (2,10)
50 60 50 (2,00) 54 (2,10) 57 (2,25)
60 72 54 (2,10) 57 (2,25) 60 (2,35)
70 84 57 (2,25) 60 (2,35) 65 (2,60)
85 102 60 (2,35) 65 (2,60) 70 (2,80)
100 120 65 (2,60) 70 (2,80) 75 (3,00)
115 138 70 (2,80) 75 (3,00) 80 (3,20)
130 156 75 (3,00) 80 (3,20) 85 (3,40)
145 174 80 (3,20) 85 (3,40) 90 (3,60)
160 192 85 (3,40) 90 (3,60) 95 (3,80)
175 210 90 (3,60) 95 (3,80) 100 (4,00)
190 228 95 (3,80) 100 (4,00) 105 (4,20)
205 246 100 (4,00) 105 (4,20) 110 (4,40)
220 264 105 (4,20) 110 (4,40) 115 (4,60)
235 282 110 (4,40) 115 (4,60) 120 (4,80)
250 300 115 (4,60) 120 (4,80) 125 (5,00)
*Inside inner tube: same as chart
Tubeless-Ready: + 10 ml

Tyre sealants are a must-have for the performance-oriented cyclists, to avoid the feared and annoying punctures. The big question is: how much sealant do I need?

Parameters that influence the necessary quantity of sealant:

Several parameters should be taken into account, for example the outside humidity, temperature and tyre inflation routine/regularity. However, the main factors are:

  • tyre size: width and diameter;
  • tyre type: if tubeless, tubeless-ready, tubular or tube-type (so that the sealant is injected into the inner tube).

Sealant quantity and expected life span:

The life span of sealant inside a tyre is directly proportional to its quantity. When you reduce the quantity of sealant, you also reduce its ability to repair punctures, and its life span. Sealant evaporation through the tyre is unavoidable and after a certain time a limited quantity of liquid will remain inside the tyre, unable to provide an active puncture protection. For this reason, regular checks and sealant refills are strongly recommended.

Using our suggested quantity, the expected life span is the following:


  • tubular (or inserted into a butyl/latex/polyurethane inner tube): up to 1 year
  • tubeless tyre: 2-6 months
  • tubeless-ready tyre: 1-4 months.


  • tubular (or inserted into a butyl/latex/polyurethane inner tube): more than 1 year

  • tubeless tyre: starting at 3 months, normally exceeding 6 months

  • tubeless-ready tyre: starting at 3 months, normally exceeding 6 months

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